Misleading: VAERS Chart Shows 3,296 COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Since July

covid deaths VEARS fact check


Claim: An article originally posted by the website TheGateWayPundit claims there were 3,296 deaths from the COVID-19 vaccine since July 2021 or 70 deaths per day.

Rating: Misleading

About Our Rating: VAERS data, or the vaccine adverse effects reporting system, is a public dataset published by The US Human Health & Services Website. However, anyone can report to VAERS. It is designed as an open-sourced, public reporting system. To use VAERS numbers to make a factual claim is misleading.

Misleading: VAERS Chart Shows 3,296 COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Since July

Further Details

VAERS is a public dataset anyone can access that lists reported adverse reactions to vaccines. It’s primarily used by data scientists to supplement data research, investigations, and other public healthcare data. The online portal states very specifically how the data is reported and suggests how it should be used. VAERS makes clear the data can be subject to bias and include incomplete or inaccurate data.

“While very important in monitoring vaccine safety, VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. In large part, reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases.” – VAERS Data at HHS.gov

The reporting system allows anyone to submit to the dataset through an online form, mail, or phone. Additionally, reports through VAERS should not be evaluated as ’cause-and-effect relation’. All possible associations of a vaccine and an adverse event are reported to VAERS by healthcare providers, for example, if a patient at a hospital takes a vaccine and dies a week later due to heart failure is reported to VAERS as an adverse vaccine effect.

VAERS collects data on any adverse event following vaccination, be it coincidental or truly caused by a vaccine. The report of an adverse event to VAERS is not documentation that a vaccine caused the event.” – VAERS


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